Monday, April 22, 2013

weekend in review

I love a spring weekend with lots of sunshine & cool breezes! It was amazingly lovely in Atlanta this wishing I had spent more time outside. Saturday I spent an enormous amount of time cleaning and doing laundry instead of going to the Sweetwater or Dogwood festivals in town. Man, I'm getting old. But my reward was pretty sweet...a 90 minute massage (courtesy of my students) and dinner with Mary in the burbs :) We went to Muss & Turners in Smyrna. Delicious! My friend is currently doing a sugar/carb free diet, so we wanted to eat somewhere we could both enjoy. This place had a lot of delicious options! Favorite was definitely our appetizers-deviled eggs with duck prosciutto. I have to say I was afraid of duck prosciutto but quickly got over that. This. Was. A. Mazing.

M&T Deviled Eggs

Sunday I forced myself to go to crossfit. Although Sundays are usually super low key, I walked in to find my trainer with 3 super fit crossfitters from CF Atlanta. Um, only slightly terrifying. These dudes were pumping out muscle ups and butterfly pull ups like it was nothing. So of course I'm thinking how embarrassing it will be to compete with them in the WOD. But wait- then it turns out that they were just there practicing in the open gym and in fact I would be working out alone. With them watching. Fab. For skill I worked on doubleunders. These suckers still elude me. For those who are lucky enough not to know what I'm talking about, this is when you jump rope with two rope pulls per one jump. White girls can't jump. Or coordinate. So this is still a work in progress (without the progress). The WOD was 3 Rounds for Time: 400m run, 20 ring rows, 20 kettle bell slashers. The good news is, with no prescription weights on the kettle balls and no one to compete with, I win! by default! but who cares!

Celebrated post workout with a mini marathon of Nurse Jackie (so addicting. no pun intended) and dinner with Lara and her lovely parents. We sat out in the sun and had a glass of wine, then her parents made us dinner and took into account all of my crazy food requirements :) They are the best! We had chicken & veggies on the grill, salad with avocado, tomato, pine nuts and homemade dressing, and dark chocolate covered pomegranite seeds & fresh strawberries. And we all four enjoyed it! Slowly convincing everyone to eat like us :) 


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